The RFA News and Announcements can be found by reading through the Rockland Review. The RFA posts in each newsletter, and shares sign ups and upcoming events! Be sure to take a look at the latest Rockland Reviews for the latest RFA news and announcements!
Connect with us:
RFA Official Facebook Page- the only official source for RFA News! (This account is not operated by District 70.)
Rockland Family Association The Rockland Family Association (RFA) is an organization that provides interesting and fun events/programs for our children and families. Helping to enrich their experience at Rockland Elementary School. All families attending District 70 schools are automatically members of their school's family association. The RFA is governed by a set of by-laws and run by an elected executive board. The RFA meets every month or two in the evenings in the school library. All parents are welcome and encouraged to attend.
RFA News & Announcements
RFA Activities and Projects
RFA Provided Events
- Welcome Back Picnic
- Halloween and Valentine's Day Class Parties
- Fifth Grade BBQ
- Favorite Author Day
- Field day
- Marriott Theatre Trip
- Trunk or Treat/Spring Egg Hunt
- PE Field Trips
- Rockland Raptor Run
- Rockland Cares Club
Here’s a Snapshot of What We’ve Done| RFA Projects
- Rockland Elementary Playground
- Multiple Murals within the school
- Sponsored assemblies including Bully Prevention with Improv Playhouse
- And more incredible plans in the making with our Rockland Gift Fund!